Giving to DCFC

Why Give?

The work of Deeside Christian Fellowship Church is entirely funded by the people of the Church. We receive no funding from any outside source.   
The Church is greatly helped in managing its finances by the assurance that a high proportion of its income will be received regularly and systematically.

Ways to Give...

Bank Standing Order
A practical way to contribute to the work is to give regularly monthly, quarterly or yearly by Standing Order.  Please download and complete the Standing Order Form and return it to YOUR bank.

Standing Order Form

Make a Gift Aid Declaration
If you are a UK taxpayer, you can boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate.  Gift Aid can be reclaimed by the Church from the tax you pay for the current tax year.  If you want us to reclaim the tax, please complete a Gift Aid Declaration.  The Declaration covers gifts made in any form: standing order, cheque or cash so long as they can be identified as made by you.  You need only complete the declaration once but remember to tell us if you no longer pay sufficient tax as you will be responsible for paying any difference between what we claim and what you have paid.

Gift Aid Form

One off Donations

One off donations can also be made by cheque (made payable to Deeside Christian Fellowship Church) and posted to:

Church Treasurer
Deeside Christian Fellowship Church,
Binghill Drive,
AB13 0JE

For further information, please email by clicking here: Church Treasurer

Building fund

Kevan Somerville